Best laid plans…

Well then…

I’m now three months into “Operation Stop Being a Fatty”, and if there’s one thing I’ve taken from it so far, it’s that I’m far better at eating healthily than I am at writing blog posts.

This is how it was supposed to go…

Beginning of January: Relaunch the blog, in anticipation of finally getting myself into some      good habits so I no longer look and feel like a fucked space-hopper.

Couple of weeks later: Describe my first week, in which I explore a world of proper nutrition and dip a hobbit-like toe back into the waters of exercise.

Every week from there: A disciplined routine in which I post a weekly update of my progress. Probably with a lot of unrelated stuff about badgers and barely-remembered 80’s TV shows.


And (of no surprise to any of you who know how my stupid brain works), this is how it actually went:

Beginning of January: Have idea of relaunching blog and posting weekly updates.

Couple of weeks later: Nope.

Every week from there: Completely forget what I was supposed to be doing.

Beginning of March: Finally post a comeback thing, remember how much I enjoy writing this  silly stuff, and feel mentally prepared to get into a disciplined regime of weekly posting. I’m 100% going to do this!

Beginning of April: Nope. 


So now, instead of getting a gradual weekly dose where you can walk beside me on my journey and share in the joy as I gradually fight my way back to runningness, you get to skip ahead to where I’ve been doing it for a few months and all the best bits have happened while you weren’t looking. It’ll be like watching a Rocky movie where they’ve taken out the interesting parts (training montage, thumping) so you just watch the opening credits and then it jumps to the bit right at the end where he slurs something about world peace and then has a brain scan.

I’ll post about my first club session in a bit, but to summarise what’s happened in the past 12-ish weeks:

  1. It’s been going very well.
  2. The SW group is massively supportive and a load of fun, and not in the slightest bit what I was expecting.
  3. I’ve now lost around 2 stone (12-and-a-bit kg), and seeing a ton of benefits to my day-to-day health. Getting out of breath putting socks on will hopefully now stay a thing of the past.
  4. Gradually getting back into running, albeit still in the run/walk phase (although that’s still a lot better than a few months ago when I was firmly in the run/cry/walk/wheeze/walk /cry/shuffle/cry camp). 

There are still some fun bits I want to share from the past few months, but I’ll stick them in as lovely little flashbacks while also churning out the absolute nonsense you’ve come to know and tolerate.

See you again in 4-6 months 😊

            Sylvester Stallone rings the final bell on Rocky Balboa - HeyUGuys




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