A peek back at day one…

In this post, I’ll be harking back to my first visit to the Slimming World group, back in January. As I mentioned before, I had plenty of reservations. Even the word “slimming” is a bit cringe – always makes me think of 1980’s fitness tropes like jogging, legwarmers and running away from Michael Jackson. It’s…

There’s a car…

I pass it quite often when I’m out running one of my usual routes. Well, I say “pass”, but what I actually do is squeeze through whatever tiny gap they’ve been kind enough to leave for me, because this car is always parked across the footpath. Why do they do this? There could be any…

A Buffoon’s Guide to… the Gym

“It’s really important to supplement your running with some strength training and core work. If you only do running, your bottom will turn inside out, you’ll never get a mortgage and everyone will call you horrible names behind your back”. I’ve lost count of the times people have said those very words to me since…

A few words on choosing a route…

This week I’ve been thinking about the different types of running route, and the tricks they can play with your mind1. The Out ‘n’ back    The plan: You want to run 10 miles. You head out and run for five miles, and then turn around and run the exact same route back. 5+5=10. Simple.…

Making progress

  A couple of months ago, I was fed up with running. Well, I wasn’t really; running is, was and always will be ace. I just wished I was one of those people who could do it without looking like a shaved orang-utan who’s been overdoing the cough medicine. I was getting slower, the runs felt…

The M word

Running sort of took me by surprise, like the proverbial machete-wielding koala in the sock drawer1. I never really set out to be a runner; running was never on my radar, and to be honest part of me didn’t quite believe that runners even really existed. In the bookcase of my mind, they occupied the…

I’ve only gone and redone my introduction thingy

I’ve had a bit of a blogging mojo malfunction of late, so I thought one way of kickstarting my writing would be to rewrite the introduction bit. Here y’go… First of all, welcome to my little corner of the interweb. Seriously, welcome. C’mon, let’s hug it out. No? Okay then, how about we start off…

12 Essential Tips for Running in Hot Weather

Here in the UK, we’re currently in the middle of a heatwave, which can have an unpleasant effect on our running. Many of us are seeing the pastime that usually makes us feel so energised suddenly transformed into a sticky humid mess of heavy-legs and lethargy.   So I thought I’d share a few essential…

All the good stuff happens round the back

I’ve recently started acknowledging my hamstrings (and when I say “acknowledging” I don’t mean I’ve been having actual conversations with them, like I sometimes do with my shoes. I’m not weird you know). What I mean is, I’ve begun to accept the fact that they’re there, and that they do stuff. Important stuff. I used…

Bragging rights

I had a really enjoyable hill session yesterday (and yes, I’m as surprised as you are that such a thing is possible). I’m halfway through writing a post specifically about the joy and pain of hill training, but for now I’m just going to smugly waffle on about how great yesterday’s run was. And I…